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Interaction Concepts

In the book “How to Make the World Interesting” our team managed to lay out the basics of Conceptology, many of the already developed mechanisms for working with concepts were left out of brackets. This number includes various areas of study of Concepts, such as entertainment concepts and interaction concepts.

Today we will talk about the four fundamental directions of this area of ​​study of concepts. This is the broadest area of conceptology research. Developed concept is always a solution of a problem in the interaction of two or more parties with each other, with the goal of achieving the optimal result. Sometimes this result is a consensus, and sometimes an unshakable ultimatum of one of the parties to the conflict. Situations vary, and our team is already preparing an extensive workbook on this issue, which will be published on Amazon and Amazon Kindle in the near future. When our research is fully completed and ready for teaching, we will definitely share it below this article. But for now, we want to share the basic structure of the directions that we are studying in the field of interaction concepts.


Politics is one of the spheres of human activity in which states represented by public authorities and their officials, as well as public institutions, realize their goals and interests. Thus, society elects its leaders, whose interests coincide with their voters. By voting, political leaders get the opportunity to influence legislation, the legal and economic field, and also, in the literal sense, the fate of this country in terms of increasing or lowering living conditions. The concepts we are studying fall under this area if we are talking about the problem of obtaining a credit of trust from society and the proposed strategies to improve this aspect in relation to one politician or political party. The scope of political concepts also includes applied solutions for the influence of political will on society, in order to convince society of the need for certain political decisions. We can introduce basic draft laws, election campaigns, and various political proposals here.


Diplomacy is the activity of special bodies of foreign relations to implement the goals and objectives of the foreign policy of states, as well as to protect the interests of the state outside its borders. Diplomacy is a set of practical measures, techniques and methods applied taking into account specific conditions and the nature of the tasks being solved. As conceptologists, we are faced with the study of concepts that affect the negotiation process. These can be both verbal technologies (verbal concepts) and certain methods of negotiating using the actual manifestation of concepts. Among the first we can mention the “consent concepts”, with a preliminary analysis of the cultural mentality of each of the parties. In the second case, we use “sentence concepts”. Very rude but fair examples of the second option would be gifts, exchanges of any kind and even the case of the Trojan horse. Although the Trojan horse has become a hybrid of diplomatic and military concepts.


War is a conflict between political entities (states, tribes, political groups, and so on), occurring on the basis of various claims, in the form of armed confrontation, military (combat) actions between their armed forces. As a rule, war is a means of imposing one’s will on the enemy. For example, when one political subject tries to change the behavior of another by force, to force him to give up his freedom, ideology, property rights, to give away resources: territory, water area and more. Conceptologists study the issue of the balance of military operations, creating new, fresh solutions in order to change this balance in favor of one of the parties. But instead of the classic methods of warfare, we are obliged to INVENT innovative solutions that can strengthen such a balance on the side of the injured side, as well as weaken the aggressor. Also, referring to the “Oath of Conceptologist”, we undertake to invent such solutions exclusively for the injured party. Such an oath is currently in development and will be introduced by our organization shortly.


Sociology is the science of living together in groups and communities of people. Sociology is often viewed as the study of modern society, such phenomena and processes as rationalization, social differentiation, capitalism, globalization and others. Sociologists conduct quantitative and qualitative studies of social structures, institutions, communities, organizations and movements, such areas of social life as everyday interaction, family, education, religion, mass media, science. And the conceptologists who are associated with this field of study of concepts specialize in inventing new forms of social interaction. The purpose of the invention of such concepts is always the real current problems of society in interaction between themselves and any social structures. Conceptologists, like scientists in the field of sociology, analyze social and cultural differences, study social inequality and its forms – class and status, as well as poverty, gender and other phenomena; issues of social stratification and social mobility. At the same time, inventing new practical solutions and implementing them in the form of various projects.

It is very important for every conceptologist who introduces his expertise in various fields, as well as for those who use the skills and knowledge of conceptology along with other professions, to remember that our main task is to study concepts and develop innovative solutions to improve their quality, usefulness and improve their safety.

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