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Crafting Your Concepts in the Experience Economy World

Updated: Apr 2


In today's digital age, many individuals find themselves irresistibly drawn to the "reel" pleasure of scrolling through social media, only to discover that they've unwittingly become trapped in a perpetual loop of cat videos and memes. Or we might soon get addicted to the new “Threads” content. With thousands of users flocking to the platform on its launch day, it's evident that we are craving dopamine-driven experiences and are always ready for the new shift in our affairs.

Creative solutions

The word "loop" perfectly captures the essence of this modern predicament, as individuals unwittingly find themselves caught in a continuous cycle of scrolling, clicking, and seeking out the next dopamine hit. This phenomenon, often called a "dopamine loop," highlights the powerful influence of the brain's reward system and its susceptibility to the captivating allure of online content.

Dopamine generation

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter—a chemical messenger in the brain that helps transmit signals between nerve cells. To keep it simple, picture dopamine as the maestro of our brain. When a delightful experience unfolds, it takes a bow on the stage of our consciousness, releasing a cascade of dopamine in specific brain regions. This chemical overture fills our senses with a tapestry of pleasure and reward. It urges us to “propel the organism's behavior toward or away from achieving that outcome,” igniting the flames of motivation and fueling our quest for similar delights.

In her book "Dopamine Nation" by Anna Lembke, the author dives into the far-reaching impact of dopamine addiction that permeates society today. “We've all experienced the letdown of unmet expectations. An expected reward that failed to materialize is worse than a reward that was never anticipated in the first place.” – she says. Being a psychiatrist, Lembke explores how dopamine-driven behaviors and compulsions extend beyond a specific age group, affecting individuals of all generations. From teenagers to adults, the lure of instant gratification and the quest for dopamine stimulation has become pervasive in our daily lives.

Experience economy

Whether we like it or not, this habit significantly impacts the success of concepts in today's world. Such behavior has led to the rise of the experience economy, the term first introduced by Joseph Pine and James H. Gilmore in 1998 in Harvard Business Review. The authors define their concept as "companies stage meaningful events to engage customers in a memorable and personal way." It suggests that the focus of businesses shifts from just selling products or services to creating memorable and immersive experiences for customers. These experiences become stepping stones, guiding customers back to their doors and transforming them into brand evangelists whose loyalty is unwavering. In this case, the currency is not just products or services but the profound emotional bonds and personal connections that propel businesses toward triumphant success.

Another interesting idea is the "Give Them a Pickle" concept, popularized by Bob Farrell. It emphasizes exceeding customer expectations and creating exceptional experiences. Farrell shared an anecdote where a customer requested an extra pickle with their sandwich but was refused. Realizing the impact of small gestures, Farrell implemented a philosophy empowering employees to always "give them a pickle" by accommodating requests and going the extra mile for customer satisfaction.

One of the approaches trained by the Institute of Conceptology and Creative Solutions within education services is the "Miracle Effect." Like a magician pulling a rabbit out of a hat, this method reveals the power of crafting extraordinary moments that exceed ordinary expectations and develop a sense of wonder. By infusing experiences with unexpected delights, businesses can evoke a strong dopamine response and leave a lasting impression on their customers. Through the Institute's team education or Concept Book Development, companies gain the tools and techniques to cultivate the Miracle Effect along with many others and elevate their offerings to extraordinary heights.

Let’s look into some ways to incorporate the miracle effect into your strategies and analyze Nike’s strategies which made their product the first-place choice for many years.

Involving experiences

This approach actively engages customers in immersive experiences beyond traditional product or service offerings. To implement this:

  • Identify opportunities to create interactive experiences that allow customers to participate actively.

  • Incorporate elements such as hands-on activities, workshops, demonstrations, or interactive installations.

  • Encourage co-creating and community participation, and let customers share their experiences through social media and word-of-mouth.

Creative thinking

Nike encourages co-creation and participation through community engagement. They organize events like Nike Run Clubs and Nike Training Club workouts, where athletes of all levels can come together, train, and share their experiences, fostering a sense of community and empowerment. They also offer virtual training sessions through the NTC app, allowing users to train with world-class trainers from their homes.

Emotional exaggeration

This method aims to evoke strong emotional responses from customers by amplifying certain aspects of the brand experience. To leverage emotional exaggeration:

  • Identify and incorporate key emotions associated with your customers' needs into your communicational strategy.

  • Exaggerate these emotions through storytelling, visual cues, or surprise elements.

  • Create memorable moments that elicit strong emotional reactions and leave a lasting impact on customers.


Nike establishes emotional connections through their inspiring marketing campaigns that tap into the passion and dedication of athletes. Nike excels at storytelling through their "Just Do It" and other marketing campaigns, which have become an iconic brand narrative. By highlighting the stories of athletes and celebrating their achievements or emphasizing the unstoppable power of human will, Nike inspires consumers to pursue their goals, fostering a sense of motivation and inspiration. Nike also collaborates with athletes to create signature products that reflect their unique style and personality.

Personal Touch

This approach involves providing personalized and tailored experiences to customers, making them feel valued and appreciated. To integrate a personal touch:

  • Collect customer data and preferences to understand individual needs and preferences.

  • Customize products, services, or interactions based on customer profiles.

  • Train employees to deliver personalized interactions and build meaningful relationships with customers.

Nike’s apps offer personalized workout plans, guided runs, and training sessions, allowing users to enjoy immersive and rewarding fitness experiences.


They offer customization options through their Nike By You (formerly NikeiD) platform. Customers can personalize their shoes by selecting colors and materials and adding custom details, resulting in unique and tailored footwear that reflects their style. Moreover, they recently introduced FlyEase technology, allowing people with disabilities to wear shoes more easily. Additionally, Nike has created Nike's Stylebot to assist users in finding their desired products, whether new trainers or workout gear.

Nike also offers personalized recommendations through the above-mentioned Nike Run Club app based on users' fitness goals and preferences.

Multi-sensory stimulation

This approach focuses on engaging multiple senses to enhance the customer experience, making it more immersive and memorable. To create multi-sensory experiences:

  • Consider how different senses (sight, sound, smell, taste, touch) can be incorporated into the experience.

  • Use lighting, music, scents, textures, or tastings to create a holistic sensory environment.

  • Ensure that sensory elements align with the brand identity and overall experience.


Nike creates multi-sensory experiences through their flagship stores. These stores feature immersive installations, interactive displays, and engaging visuals, providing customers with a stimulating and memorable shopping environment. For example, the Nike House of Innovation in New York City features a massive video wall that displays real-time data on the latest trends in sports fashion.

Untrivial Innovations

This approach involves introducing up-to-date or unexpected innovations that surprise and delight customers, differentiating your brand from competitors. To implement untrivial innovations:

  • Foster a culture of innovation within your organization, encouraging creativity and out-of-the-box thinking.

  • Regularly research and analyze market trends to identify areas where innovative solutions can be applied.

  • Experiment with new technologies, processes, or business models to create novel experiences that captivate customers.


Nike is known for its constant innovation in sportswear technology. They introduce new materials, designs, and performance-enhancing features in their products, keeping athletes excited about the latest advancements and raising the bar in the industry. Nike also uses sustainable materials in their products to reduce their environmental impact. For example, they have created a line of shoes made from recycled materials such as plastic bottles and rubber.

Nike also uses augmented reality (AR) technology to create interactive customer experiences. For example, they have created an AR-powered shoe try-on feature that allows customers to see how shoes look on their feet before making a purchase.

To sum it up

In conclusion, the experience economy presents vast possibilities for companies to thrive and differentiate themselves. By embracing approaches and current trends such as extended reality, immersive interfaces, automation, and powerful networks, businesses can unlock new dimensions of customer engagement, foster loyalty, and creatively position themselves at the forefront of innovation. In this digital era, the key to success lies in continuously evolving and pushing the boundaries of what is possible, all while delivering exceptional experiences that resonate deeply with customers.

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